Lafilia, princess-mage of Alflora, goes to a neighbor’s land
to save them from a unique kind of monster attack.
The monsters can’t be beaten with normal weapons or magic.
A special spell must be learned, and only the Darkmaster Gozudo can teach it.
Lafilia will need Gozuko’s semen, received directly…Simple erotic RPG31 base event scenes
11 base event CGs + 150 variations (not counting post art)
Story progress will change H events
Outfits/dressing up will change people reactions
Mid-battle damage will destroy clothes
Replay room includedFirst time players are recommended to watch the full opening.Save data can be transferred from the trial to the full game.* Script credit: Nana from Heptanas Crawl
http://heptanas.mamagoto.com/* Requires RPG TKool VX Ace RTP (free):
Raffiglia, the Princess of the kingdom of alfrola, the great mage、
He is asked for help from a neighboring town attacked by monsters.The one who was waiting for rafiria who went to help、
It was a demon that normal attacks and Magic do not pass.In order to defeat the monsters, you must use a special magic called Darkness magic
I have to get the instruction from the Dark Mage godzdo.、
To remember the darkness magic, it is necessary to ingest the semen of godzdo into the body…it is an erotic RPG of a simple system.
The difficulty is low, I made it conscious so that I can proceed crispy.- Basic event number 31 scene-event CG
Basic CG 11 sheets + difference about 150 sheets (standing picture is not included)・H Event
It’s basically disgusting, but there are a lot of things that can’t be helped.
As you progress through the story, The H event will change in stages.- Dressing elements
As you progress through the game, you’ll get a couple of robes.、
Depending on the robe, the reaction of the inhabitants may change.- During the battle, there is a difference that clothes can be torn when receiving damage.- There is a recollection room. The first time you play, to understand the story、
We recommend that you do not skip the opening.● About Save Data
The save data of the trial version can be played over to the production version.This work uses the script material of “heputana sukuro Ru Nana-Sama”.
You will need RTP to play.
RTP can be downloaded at the following site.
Lafilia, Princess of the Nearby Kingdom (landcut): screenshots
Welcome to the adult world of meetings with your wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings, unpack, easy install and play this adult game.
Try to be a smart player and get what you want. It will be not just simple robots, there will be a lot of interesting persons that you will met. What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you user your power and authority? Try now!