You the player just started in a high tech company as a main coder. Your boss is a beautiful girl “Sylvia”. After some months you already have a good working and friendly relationship. In the meantime “Lea” a young assistant, seem to do everything to create an affair between you and Sylvia. Is it safe to deal with sex at work ? Should you hide your real girlfriend to your boss or hide this situation to your girlfriend ? and why Lea is so keen to get you between the legs of your boss ? It’s not about how many ending you have … it’s all about how you get to them. Our stories have different branches and cross references. We plan to have 5 different endings. Anyway the path to get to those endings can be different, make your own way !
Updated: 2018-12-27
Creator (developer): : –
Version: 2018-12
Censorship: None
Contest: Yes
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac,
Language: English, French
Voices: English
Install instructions
2- Click on “Sylvia_MB_201811.exe” to start playing.
Whats new (last changes):
November 2018
Blowjob scene with SylviaTit-fuck scene with SylviaInteractivity on Tit-fuck scene (mouse wheel to select heartbeat frequency)Léa teasing butt “animated” to make the sunscreen/teasing screen easier to understand140 new lines of dialogue recorded for Sylvia (English version)Sylvia’s introspection scene in Herbert garden at nightImproved coloring for Sylvia’s kiss scene in the hotelGame-play:
Start from a scene option, to start directly from a particular scene.This feature will have to be unlocked in the full game.
All scenes are unlocked by default, as a response for loss of save games between builds.
Choices contains the mention “new” or “updated” to help keep track of what changed.
If you don’t want to be spoiled do not use this feature.
Map fixed and more responsiveSwimsuit shop selector updated with a “close” button (not forcing you to buy to continue)Swimsuit “quest” re-written to include new branches for the updated swimsuit selectorOthers:
4 Animated backgrounds for the GreenrayAnimated backgrounds for Granda Park A and B (with 2 variants for background characters)2 Background characters variants backgrounds for Pelican beachSound Volumes (music,voices, effects) normalized, making their adjustments easier from preferences.3 New musics for tender/intimate momentsTitle music (main menu) and Boat Run music removedUpdated credits and minor fixesRen’py updated to
September 2018
– Voice over for Valérie (english) fulld for chapter 2
– Extended scene with Sylvia in Player’s room
– Improvement on the handjob scene/Greenray introspection with Léa
– Music combination from multiple music track proof of concept
– Fixed some story branches issues before and after handjob scene
– Fixed restaurant’s background animation stopping when character are displayed
– Chapter transitions improved and subtitles changed
– Save on Quit with resume from main menu
– Start from menu or from Quit-save option in preferences
July 2018
– Léa sunscreen/massage scene
– Léa handjob scene
– Valérie at her desk Animated background (first of many animated backgrounds we have in mind)
– Léa new outfit for 2nd chapter
– Léa additional expressions
– Improved Swimsuit shop scene
– Bug fixes and various improvements (boat run tunnel exit …)
*Android is still at an “experimental” stage.
June 2018
– Sylvia only voice over for chapter 1 and Bonus Chapter in French
– Specific transitions and info windows for the demo
– Skip Mode automatically disabled during interactive scenes to prevent glitches
– Map and info windows translated to French
– Updated credits
– Renpy udpated to
Sylvia: screenshots
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